Lesson Plan Schedules

  1. Teachers: Start by entering your classes, lesson plans, planning periods, meetings and activities into the basic weekly schedule form.
  2. Easily copy your schedule for the week from the previous week.
  3. Add or delete a class period or lesson plan.
  4. Copy or move a class period or lesson plan.
  5. Add color to highlight classes, subject matter or time slots.

  1. To add a new period, check the desired days of the week.
  2. Multi-day periods can be linked to update together or kept separate.

  1. Select the start and end time of the new period.
  2. A color can be assigned to highlight chosen periods or subjects.

Adding Common Core Standards

  1. Choose Common Core Standards to apply to specific lessons. Additional standards your state may require can be programmed into Education Boss.

  1. Your Common Core Standards selections will be linked to your selected lesson plans.

  1. Chart your Common Core Standards usage. Charts can be saved to image files for use in reports and presentations.

Team Sharing

  1. Share or link your lesson plans with other teachers on your team. Shared lesson plans can be changed without affecting the original teacher's plans or schedules.

  1. Share your lesson plans with your administrators for support and/or review.
  2. Save your lesson plans to a PDF.

  1. Print out your weekly lesson plans from a PDF.